UNIQUE: A show about disabilities

Our Mission:

UNIQUE Improv is committed to bringing individuals with disabilities together through the art of improv. We support and empower the disability community by helping individuals gain confidence, enhance their communication abilities, and cultivate a profound sense of connection. Our ultimate aim is to promote disability awareness by providing individuals from the community with a platform to share their unique stories.

Our Next Show is TBD at Magnet Theater! Follow us on Instagram for future show date announcements, @UniqueImprovTeam

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About Us

Tamar Gressel

Head of Marketing & New York Operations

Tamar Gressel

Tamar Gressel (she/her) is a special education teacher currently working for the New York City Department of Education. Tamar is a neurodivergent person with extensive knowledge of autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities. She credits improv for helping her feel more confident when talking to others and reducing her social anxiety. Tamar believes in using improv as a tool to foster engagement, teach valuable social skills, and promote flexible thinking. In her work as a teacher she uses skills learned through improv to constantly adapt to the needs of her students.

Alex Picone

Treasurer & Head of Pennsylvania Operations

Alex Picone

Alex Picone (he/him) currently resides and is originally from King of Prussia, PA. Alex has been a part of UNIQUE for the past year. He has performed with UNIQUE at Magnet Theatre and Gotham Comedy Club in NYC. Alex works in the financial services industry and identifies as a person who stutters. He has prior experience working with non-profits and is passionate about empowering other people who stutter. Alex has previously worked with Best Buddies International, MySpeech, TheWorldStuttering Network, and CampWordsUnspoken. Alex enjoys exercising and hanging out with his friends and family in his free time